Treatment Approaches
Your Own Way provides individual and family therapy sessions to adolescents and adults who are searching for successful ways to cope with life stressors. With unique specialties in supporting and empowering women throughout issues related to attachment and relationships.
The two theories listed below are those utilized most frequently with clients. They are, however, only a snapshot of the treatment modalities utilized at Your Own Way.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
How often have you felt stress in your body and reacted before you even knew why?
Utilizing therapy with the assistance of Cognitive Behavioral techniques, allows you to be aware of your emotional response and how it impacts your decision making.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help people understand how thoughts, emotions and behaviors work together. Increasing your awareness of this process allows you to manage difficult emotions, challenge distorted thinking and choose healthier coping skills.
It is so empowering to be able to trace your thoughts, realize what emotion you attach to them, and how that process may be influencing behaviors or conflicts in your relationships.
I help patients recognize the connection between their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Difficult situations in our lives often trigger irrational or distorted patterns of thinking. Through my use of Cognitive Behavioral techniques, you will learn to replace those negative thoughts with healthier ones and move towards more adaptive behaviors to create the success you desire in your life.
At Your Own Way, effective tools of CBT may be used in conjunction with other modalities to provide a well rounded and individualized treatment approach to meet each client’s individual needs.
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)
EFT is an approach often used with clients, although the approach may vary given each individual's needs.
EFT is usually short term (8-20 sessions). The approach is based on the premise that human emotions are connected to human needs, and therefore emotions have innately adaptive potential that, if activated and worked through, can help people change problematic emotional states and interpersonal relationships (Greenberg 2002).
Increasing your insight regarding emotional patterns and responses to stimuli, can alter your ability to successfully cope with stress.
When you are ready to make a change and are open to the possibilities of living life differently, Emotionally Focused Therapy can be extremely helpful to you.
Treatment techniques vary depending on the client’s individual needs. We are all unique in the way we process stress and adjust to change in our lives.